According to new research, the occurrence of the USA 300 strain of MRSA, the most common strain of MRSA infections, has decreased in hospital-onset cases but has not declined in the broader community. A Science Daily news report indicates the USA 300 strain of MRSA has become prevalent in both communities and healthcare institutions. The researchers studied 1,015 cases of Staphylococcus aureus bacterial bloodstream infections over a 6-year period at a Chicago hospital.

The Science Daily news report notes that in the past 15 years, MRSA infections have evolved as the bacterium emerged as significant pathogen in the community and hospitals in the United States. The study found that more than half of hospital-acquired cases were due to the USA 300 strain.

Kyle J. Popovich, MD, MD, the lead author of the study, states, “In looking at risk factors for hospital or community-onset USA 300, current or former drug use was a strong predictor for acquiring this strain of bacteria.”

Recent national surveillance has suggested a decrease in the incidence of invasive hospital-acquired MRSA infections during the past 10 years, according to Science Daily. The researchers said their findings reaffirmed that observation in the Chicago region.

“Decreases in hospital-onset MRSA BSIs may be due to substantial efforts aimed to reduce healthcare-associated infection,” Popovich says. “Enhanced prevention efforts in the community for certain populations, such as those engaging in illicit drug use, may be necessary to further curb the spread of invasive MRSA infections.”

Source: Science Daily