The Pulmonica, a small harmonica-like device, may improve breathing in COPD patients.

Research results of an observational study conducted at the Sarasota Friendship Center, published in Journal of the COPD Foundation, finds clinically significant improvements in most measures.

According to healthcare researcher Harmonica Techs Dana Keller, PhD, the ‘Pulmonica’ is for anyone with breathing issues.

“The low tuning develops pulses in the lungs that you can actually feel,” she explained. “If someone placed their hand on my back, while I’m using the Pulmonica, they would feel it vibrate, because it beats on the lungs from the inside out to loosen the secretions that are tenacious and hard to cough out.”

The Pulmonica is handmade in Germany by the world’s oldest harmonica company, Seydel.

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