According to Medpage Today, the FDA is likely nearing approval for “heat-not-burn” tobacco devices, which provide nicotine to users without the need for combustion or smoke. Experts believe the devices’ popularity in Japan portends the same response in the US.

Japan is, at present, the only country where heat-not-burn cigarettes are widely available. The battery-powered devices heat tobacco to approximately 500 degrees Fahrenheit to produce an inhalable aerosol, which delivers nicotine to the lungs without combustion.

The FDA is currently considering an application by tobacco giant Philip Morris International to approve its “iQOS” system heat-not-burn devices as modified-risk tobacco products.

“That is probably going to happen, because there is really nothing about the product that would prevent approval,” behavioral epidemiologist John W. Ayers, PhD, of San Diego State University, told MedPage Today.